You’ve reached this page; you’ve already shown us you care. Thank you so much for your support – it means everything to us!
There are so many ways to help that will make a real difference to Tallulah and her family. Below are some examples and with every step taken, small or large, please know that your efforts will not only be helping Tallulah but will also directly contribute to progressing science and finding a better tomorrow for sufferers of SPG56.
- Share Tallulah Moon’s story
It’s as easy as hitting ‘share’ on our social media posts. Simply, the more people who know about Our Moon’s Mission, the more awareness we create and the more funds we raise. - Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.
- Start a Facebook fundraiser.
- Host your own fundraising event
We’d love to hear your ideas! Feel free to send us a message and we will be in touch. - Invite us on to your podcast or radio show
- Email us with a grant idea or introduction to people in your network who may be able to help.
- Join us on our mission by becoming a member of our foundation ‘Genetic Cures for Kids’
It’s free and you’ll have access to all the news and events, plus your membership will help build our profile and therefore build awareness of, and support for, people suffering from SPG 56. - Keep Tallulah Moon in your thoughts and prayers as she undergoes something no child should ever experience and keep talking about rare genetic diseases so that it’s not a taboo subject. Unfortunately, it is real. No parent thinks it will happen to their child… until one day it does.
Every donation, small or large is what will help us move a step closer to achieve our mission to Cure SPG56.

Your support means the world to Golden, Chris, Finn and Tallulah Moon.